
Semester 2 Project – Nutrition
Reflection & Infographic


Making this infographic was a big eye-opener for me. I usually do not eat breakfast but when I do, it’s a bagel or something small. My lunches usually consist of what the special is at school, but because I don’t eat large meals often, I cannot usually finish my food. I sometimes eat dinner between 5 to 8 pm, if I’m not sleeping or if my mom offers to cook something. That being said, it’s clear that my diet is lacking. My mom often gives me a multivitamin with my dinner, something I sometimes don’t take because I’m not a fan of pills. However, a multivitamin gives people all the vitamins they usually need on a daily basis. It’s a good deal. Having enough fruits and vegetables in my diet is also important; I have some fruit and vegetables at least once a day with my dinner. Sometimes I have peach fruit cups for snack. Although most snack foods like chips and other “unhealthy” grains are cheaper, it’s better to avoid buying those so other food group items can be bought instead. Aside from buying better food, I will also try and eat more solid meals on a daily basis to keep up my nutrition and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Semester 2 Project – Nutrition
Part 1: Evaluation of a Fad Diet/Commercial Diet Program


Not all fad diets are outrageous and unhealthy. One diet option, such as the paleo diet, is a “fad diet” in which people are only allowed to eat what the cavemen ate; meats and seafood, fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds. The goal is to not eat modern, processed foods. Counting calories isn’t really a big part of the diet. With eating lots of protein and only natural found foods, this diet is able to keep the body in top physical performance, and helps with blood sugar and fat burning.

Compared to the Choose My Plate plan nutritionally, the paleo diet is similar. The only thing that the paleo diet cuts off is dairy, and some types of grains. The rest of the plate (if going by the paleo diet) would be filled with fruits, vegetables and protein. There are no special foods involved, as it is a relatively simple diet. A lack of calcium from the cut-off of eating dairy can be supplemented by a lot of foods, such as beans or various types of fish.

I personally like to eat a lot of unhealthy grains. At the same time, I do enjoy eating chicken and turkey, as well as many fruits and vegetables. However I do not think this diet would work out for me, as I would “cheat” and eat unhealthy pretzels or salty snacks and other stuff like white bread.

Buying fresh fruits and vegetables can be expensive; meat tends to be even more expensive than vegetables. But aside from the cost, there is little time involved for preparation, excluding the cooking of meat. Fruit and vegetables can be eaten a variety of ways, from being cut into slices, to boiled over the stove.

According to many websites such as this one, the paleo diet works in some ways, but in others it can result in some negative outcomes. Weight loss is usually seen in a person who adheres to the paleo diet, but it is a hard diet to follow, due to the cost of the foods that are allowed in the diet, and what people aren’t allowed to each while adhering to it. Some people lost 19 pounds (fat) in the first year, and some lost more, but gained it back after not being on the diet anymore.

Sugars, processed food, dairy, and other modern food items are not allowed on the paleo diet because it is not what the cavemen ate, and they are not natural foods. The idea is that you can only eat what the cavemen ate because natural foods are what are best, and not eating a lot of bad carbs helps the body lose more fat.

This diet seems to work best for people who plan to exercise to lose their weight; my father tried this fad diet, and exercised daily. People tend to lose more weight when they’re exercising alongside of adhering to the paleo diet. It’s easier to burn more body fat when on this particular diet.


Semester 1 Project – Shadow Host

For this semester’s project of shadowing a particular occupation related to sports medicine, I chose a physician. Although a physician is not a position in the medical field that’s only focused on athletes and the like, they meet with patients to talk about their injuries, illnesses, health conditions, and may sometimes perform various types of surgery. A physician is able to address many problems a person or athlete may have.


I chose a physician to be my particular occupation of interest because of the wide number of things a physician can address for people. Unlike an athletic trainer, a physician can not only prepare a patient for possible strenuous activities, but can subscribe them medicine, and also perform surgery if necessary. A physician is not extremely limited in what they can do. Physicians can see a wide number of people and do various types of things to help a patient’s health; not just limited to the health of a professional athlete.

My shadow host will be Dr. Mark Nicolls of Stanford Medicine. His primary focus is pulmonary critical care and lung transplants. Having already shadowed him, aside from performing transplants, he goes around in the clinics meeting with patients to discuss the condition of their lungs and what might possibly need to be done for them, and also talks to people already in clinical care. Members of his team such as dietitians and social workers also meet with his patients to discuss various inquiries about possible surgery or recovery for the next 6 months.

Check out my final presentation here:

3 thoughts on “projects

  1. Hi Alivia! I really enjoyed your final presentation! You included the information thoroughly and in an organized way. I learned more about the general physician through your presentation. If being a doctor is too much pressure for you, what do you want to do? I think that by adding a video or another type of media that your project would have been even better! Good job!


  2. Hello Alivia! Sofia has already said what I was going to say. It was really engaging and the information was all there. I also have the same question as Sofia; what do you want to do then? Great job Alivia!


  3. Hi Alivia!
    I really liked your project! It was very nice to read because it was visually pleasing, and your slides had a lot of information without being too cluttered. The slide on the history of doctors was really cool, and it was lovely that you went into so much detail with it. You also had some really great media, and you made it easy to tell how much time went into the profession, and how much money someone could expect to make. It was all honestly really well done, but I think you could have elaborated just a little bit more on the gender roles and balance of work and home part, but besides that I learned a lot!
    – Hayley Grassler


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