
17 year old mammal named Liv trying to learn about how muscles deal with medicine.

here is a real life authentic and true picture of me:

tumblr_n9g60vYxmx1sdu1pno1_1280 copy

other info is addressed in the following haiku:

i expect Greatness

why i’m taking this course? well,

science can be fun

(pt 2.)


this experience

will be great. But, a challenge:


3 thoughts on “about

  1. Hi Alivia! The simplicity of your blog makes it so much more intriguing. I thought it was very creative how you expressed yourself in a haiku. I also sometimes struggle with memorization. Did you know that helping explain a concept to someone helps you memorize it better? I suggest you add more information about yourself even if it is just a brief description or another picture. I look forward to reading what you blog in the future!


  2. Hi Alivia! I love how simple your blog is. Your haiku was very funny, and is a good representation of who you are. Similar to you, memorization is a challenge. Did you know that listening to classical music while studying increases memorization? I think that you should definitely add some more information of yourself, or pictures of you hanging out with your friends! It would definitely make your blog a little bit more exciting and intriguing to look at! I can’t wait to see all the exciting things you post about during the school year!


  3. Hi Alivia! You blog is very organized, easy to navigate and looks great! I love that you incorporated some humor in your “About” page, it really keeps the viewer interested and it demonstrates your personality in a creative way. Your haiku is simple, yet says so much and it is very well written! I also sometimes find memorization a struggle, but did you know that the use of memorization helps develop the brain and the thought process? It can be very beneficial in the long run! I look forward to the development of your blog throughout this course.


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