Caroline Hansen’s Presentation Reflection

Often times I find myself, and others, comparing the ‘bad’ things that happen to us with other ‘bad’ things that happen to others. I put ‘bad’ in quotations because it’s my personal belief that in the long run of our lives, there is no good or bad, but only consequences. A lot of times, we are often told that, “we have it good” and that our problems are trivial; this is true, as many people, including me, are lucky to have healthy bodies and should be lucky to have homes and food on our tables on a daily basis. On the day that Caroline Hansen came to give her talk to us, I was having a particularly bad day. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. But when Caroline came to talk about the events that had happened to her in the past several years, all of my misfortunes were put into a new perspective. We all go through life-changing events at various points in our lives, some sooner than others. As Caroline was speaking, she mentioned that she can no longer laugh or cry; something that many of us do on a daily basis that we don’t even think about. She reminded me that despite all that happens in life, it’s important to keep going, stay strong, and to not give up. She reminded me that despite the consequences that we face, we must keep pushing forward.

One thought on “Caroline Hansen’s Presentation Reflection

  1. Hi Liv,

    I really enjoyed your post and you make a great point about how seeing Caroline tell her story puts things in perspective. I agree that her talk is motivation to move past the challenges we face everyday. Looking forward to the next post!


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