Digestive System, Immunity and Athletes


The digestive and immune systems go hand in hand. The digestive system is constantly breaking down food or other substances that are entering the body – at the same time, it’s the immune system’s job to make sure that whatever enters the body is either good for the body, or is something that needs to be attacked, killed, and gotten rid of. No matter how clean the food that enters the body is, there’s always some sort of bacteria or possible harm that’s attached to it. It’s extremely important for the immune system to protect the things like the digestive tract so that viruses and bacteria don’t get into other parts of the body.

For athletes, this means it’s important to eat right and have a lot of healthy bacteria. If an athlete constantly eats unhealthy food or food the body can’t process, the digestive system won’t handle it well. Luckily, there’s a few physical yet painful signs that some stuff in the digestive tract or system isn’t going right. Things like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can occur under stress; the intestines become inflamed, and cause cramping and diarrhea. Without a lot of healthy bacteria in the gut, it makes it hard for the body to get rid of all the excess waste. For an athlete to be in prime condition, it’s important to keep a healthy diet so the body doesn’t have such harsh physical reactions to what is being consumed by an athlete.

A lot of antibiotics can wipe out the healthy bacteria in the intestines, making it hard to digest stuff with ease. Taking special bacteria or enzyme pills can help with this, if an athlete happens to be on antibiotics for some form of injury. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and getting fiber will help with digestion problems. It’s also helpful for athletes to avoid things like dairy if they know they have an intolerance for lactose; this will give them digestion problems as well. Eating the right kinds of food, keeping good bacteria in the gut, and the avoidance of unhealthy foods will help an athlete avoid digestion stress.

My View On Nutrition


My view on nutrition has shifted throughout the years. As a child, I didn’t really pay attention to what I ate, since I weighed a relatively healthy amount. But as I got older, I noticed a lot more things. Ads especially, and how they’re targeted towards women and body images, as well as the latest diet fads that circulate throughout women; usually, it’s with women who are close to me or in my family. My mom and I eat generally small meals, and not a lot of junk food. On the other hand, my father and stepmom are all about healthy living. I have been exposed to gluten free diets, kosher diets, and vegan diets, as well as many different foods that adhere to different kinds of health fads. In the past few years, my view has been the same. I believe that no diet fad can work for the general population, since we all have different bodies, and we all have different needs. I believe that eating organic foods and having slim meal sizes can help maintain your figure. It’s always important to eat, no matter what the latest fad is. Starving yourself is never a healthy option. In my experience, eating basic foods and exercising have worked for me, and often times helped me lose weight; even if the weight loss was unintentional. Everyone is different, so nutrition for people should be differently accordingly.