A Common (but interesting and fulfilling!) Medical Path that Rains Upon the Umbrella of ‘Sports Medicine’…

Not surprisingly, a regular medical practitioner falls under the broad category of ‘sports medicine.’ The (common) doctor examines patients, runs diagnostic tests, treats and helps people with diseases or injury, and other practices that are all meant to benefit someone in need. Most occupations that fall under the ‘sports medicine’ category tend to be very specific, and one who specializes in said category can usually only help with one or a few things. However, a common doctor can help with nearly anything. From surgery to a simple cold diagnosis, a doctor has something to offer for everyone and anyone in need.
To pursue the career of a doctor takes an awful long time. Many young students interested in becoming a doctor have a 10 year long plan ahead of them, if not more, according to the specific type of doctor one might want to become.
Students on their way to becoming a doctor must go into pre-med, earn their bachelor’s degree, take the MCAT, get a medical degree, complete a residency, obtain a license and then – optionally – become certified. To get all of these things takes many months of studying, hence the 10 year long or more plan. Depending on the level and specialty of doctor, certain parts of training may take longer than other specialties. For example, a neurosurgeon might have a residency lasting 7 years, whilst someone who specializes in pediatrics might have a residency of 4. The average doctor is also not very youthful; many doctors just starting out tend to be in their late 30’s at the earliest, or early 40’s. Although different types of doctors may have different requirements to fulfill, all in all, their value is priceless. They all do their best to help all that they can.

3 thoughts on “A Common (but interesting and fulfilling!) Medical Path that Rains Upon the Umbrella of ‘Sports Medicine’…

  1. Hey Alivia! I really enjoyed this blog post because it was informative, organized, and concise. I think that being a doctor requires a really special person. Doctors really dedicate a lot of time (years!) and effort into an occupation that helps others, and that is pretty amazing and very selfless. Did you know that most doctors work more than 40 hours per week, including the times they are called in for emergencies? Sometimes they even have to stay overnight (careerplanning.about.com). I think it is really great that you are thinking about pursuing a career in medicine, and I’m sure you would be successful at it. The only suggestion I have for this blog post would be to add more about why this profession interests you as an individual. Otherwise, great post!


  2. Hey Alivia! That’s cool that just a regular medical practitioner falls under the category of sports medicine! I actually never knew that! Wow, it really takes a long time for people to become doctors, a lot of school and practice! I really like that you included the fact that most doctors aren’t usually youthful due to the amount of schooling they have to undergo. Did you know neurosurgeons can earn a salary anywhere between US$102,297 and US$729,121? (Buzzle, Types of Doctors and their Salaries) I can’t wait to keep reading your blog!


  3. Hi Alivia! I thought your blog post was very interesting and informative. I found it cool how you have an interest in being a medical practitioner. A lot of time and schooling is needed to pursue this career, but I think you have what it takes. Did you know that most doctors have to complete extensive hours in a clinic? I wish I could be a doctor because I love to watch Grey’s anatomy, but I do not think I could deal with the blood! Would you ever be interested in research for special illnesses? Look forward to seeing what you will post next!


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